Tuesday, November 1, 2011

My Current Job


My current job:
- not in an IT company, but in an ship investement company
- single fighter as an IT person but with good title (SM-PE)
- focus on develop ERP using my own choice that is using OpenERP (an open source ERP using python)
- my boss truly trust me... never force me to finish my job on irational timeline..
  He absolutely trust my project planning
- my task:
  - receive requests from my colleague (accounting division, operational, etc)
  - planning a project
  - analyzing and understanding business process
  - explore OpenERP by myself without even 1 friend guide me (but thanks to my junior in campus (2003) as a friend to share)
  - develop OpenERP (custom, add module, etc)
  - testing
  - install to server and ships
  - create documentation
  - train the user
  - receive complain etc

I have to implement most of IT project cycle by my self...

But, so far I'm happy to work here...
because I'm free to express my self...
to implement my knowledge...
my boss trust me..
no more overtime...

and the most is...

I found my passion here...

that I want to be an expert in a field ...
until this time I want to be an ERP expert ...

Alhamdulillah :-)


  1. Selamat yah Tya, udah menemukan passion nya :) Mudah2an bener ini apa yang Tya cari2 selama ini :)

  2. Senangnya kalau memang passionnya jd bisa menikmati pekerjaan. Cuma repotnya single fighter itu. Ga ada backup, ga ada yg diajak diskusi, ga ada yg diminta tolong..

  3. Sebenere gk bener2 passion utama yaa...
    Passion utamaku kayaknya si tetep jadi ibu rumah tangga yang punya bisnis/kerjaan dari rumah hehehe

    tapi so far I love this job :D

  4. Banget wii... kadang jadi bingung mau kerjain apa...
    Pengen banget bisa manage dengan baik... tapi masih belum nemu titik terang nya niih
    intinya gimana caranya hasil kerjaan gw bisa terdokumentasi dengan baik... jadi nanti kalo ada team atau tiba2 gw resign gw bisa share dengan mudah... hehe
